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Here, under the term “Project” is meant set of activities with the purpose of fulfilling a task.

Each “project” is created with a task in mind by a user of this portal.

Project elements

Project aim

The aim of a project conducted on this Portal is to generate a unique algorithm which can be implemented into a chip. This algorithm conforms with the user's requirements, i.e. it is capable of the control and regulation of the customer’s device. This aim follows from the Task (link) that the customer wants to solve.

Project steps

1.The user of the Portal has the facility to choose from the regulator configurations and regulated systems (plants) offered. The user can set and combine the parameters in such a way that their requirement is met based on the inputs available and the outputs required. The way to use the portal can be found here.

2.Regulator debugging, the pathway to the configuration of the algorithm, is described here.

3.In the course of the debugging it is possible to make use of tools such as the graphical illustration of the Unit step response, Nyquist plots, and simulation of the regulation processes over time.

4.A registered user can interrupt the work on their project at any time and save the project under a chosen name. After logging back in the user can open the previously saved project and continue their work.

5.The project will remain available to the user for an unlimited period of time until the user decides to delete it.

6.The next step is to choose a chip from the offer available on this Portal.

7.If needed, the user can contact us on [email protected] if they require help or need to solve a case which is not included in the standard range.

Finalizing the project

1.The project is finalized in the instance when the user is satisfied with their results and decides to purchase the algorithm implemented in a chip which they selected. The way to do this is described here. link.

2.A registered user can keep the project event after its completion. If they do not want to keep it, they can delete it. The way to do this is described here.

3.Once satisfied with the results of the project after simulation of the processes over time, the algorithm can be purchased as a programmed chip.

4.Registered users can keep projects after their completion, or the project can be deleted.