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Controller Building

Signed-in Users

  1. With the cursor, find the “Project” tab on the control panel. In the menu which will open, choose whether you want to set up a new project or open an existing one.
  2. When the “New Project” option is selected a menu with a brief description of the systems will be shown. The appropriate system can be selected by clicking on “Select”.
  3. A new page will open in which the system can be defined by filling in the numerical values of the parameters (e.g. time constant) and selecting the appropriate options (e.g. First Order Hold or Zero Order Hold). The synthesis of the regulator system will be launched by clicking onto the “Create controller “button which will open a new page.
  4. Here, the regulated system can be modified by filling in the appropriate fields. This allows for the test of the robustness of the regulator (i.e. Is the regulation satisfactory even when the system parameters are changed?). It is also sometimes useful to define the regulator for a different system than the one actually being regulated (e.g. to eliminate overshooting or nonlinearities). Upon clicking on the “Run Simulation” button a new page will open.
  5. Here you can define the number of steps of the regulation and two desired values. The result of the regulation will then be plotted after clicking on “Run Simulation”.
  6. By clicking the “Back” button you can return to the previous page, modify the individual parameters and settings and debug the regulator and the system.
  7. Once satisfied or if you want to suspend the work you can save the project using the button “Save project”. You will be redirected to the next options (“Save as a New Project” or “Update Saved Project”). This option is only available for registered users.
  8. The debugged project acts as the basis for an order. You can find out how to place an order here.

Users who are not Signed-in

  1. Upon selecting the “Project” tab on the control panel a new page with “Run Project” button will open.
  2. By clicking on the button a new page with a brief summary of the systems will open. The desired system can then be selected by clicking on “Select”. For the rest of the Debugging procedure see steps 2-6 for the Signed-in Users.
  3. Users who are not signed-in cannot save the results of their projects. The results can, however, be used for an order according to the instructions on the last page.
  4. You can find out how to place an order here.