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About the Portal Services

This Portal can be used by anyone who visits it. We, however, assume that its users and customers will have at least an elementary orientation in the field of Control Theory. This portal is not intended to be a learning aid even though it can be used as such.

In time, we anticipate a gradual development of the Portal primarily in response to the customers' preferences. Thus, we consider it a dynamic system of its kind.

From the viewpoint of our customers, the Portal has the following functionalities:

1.The facility to simulate their specific SISO systems based on the models which are offered on our site.

2.For the registered and logged-in users, the option of saving and later returning to the results of their work.

3.The option to purchase a chosen program designed from their simulations using our models loaded on a processor.

4.If our offered models, for some reason, are not suitable for the solution of our client's problem they can contact Little Pine Ltd via e-mail and define their requirements. Such requests are then dealt with individually for the creation of a bespoke solution.

5.The opportunity to take part in discussions on the Forum with other customers in similar fields and with similar problems.

It is best to test the particular functions, and we have strived to create the most intuitive process for you to do this. In essence, the point of the simulation of the control is to select the correct regulator model for a given system (sometimes, it is possible to reach better results when combining a regulator and a system which seemingly do not correspond with each other) and tune it to the "best" parameters. The definition of the main elements and concepts can be found here .

The saved projects contain important parameters on the basis of which the regulators were simulated and then debugged. An example of this process can be found here. Our clients can save multiple projects under different names.

If you decide to purchase the finished product, that is your completed program loaded onto a microprocessor, placing the project into the shopping basket will generate a form to be completed to finalise the order. How to place an order you can find out here.


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