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Who are we?

Little Pine Ltd. was established with the aim to allow access to and the practical use of scientific knowledge in the area of Control Theory, regardless of individual knowledge of this area. You can find more about this multidisciplinary field and more about our motivations here .

What do we want?

In collaboration with our customers and the users of our web portal we want to provide “Simple solutions to complex problems”. We want these “Simple solutions to complex problems” to be accessible even for an individual technology fan – no customer is too small or too large for us. We want to be transparent – so that our customer is comfortable with and understands the range of our products and collaboration options.

What we do not want?

We do not want to force our solutions upon our customers and the users of our web portal and pretend that they are the only ones available.

What are we aiming to?

We aim to become a sought-after supplier and partner to our customers and to constantly extend the breadth of our products and services. We realise that this is not possible without being partners to our customers.

Our motto

Trifles make perfection, and perfection is no trifle.

Michelangelo Buonarroti